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Mast Cell Tumour Management
Quiz Night

WATCH NOW an interactive and intriguing CPD quiz night testing your knowledge of oncological surgery and wound management strategies, with guest speakers Jon Hall MA VetMB CertSAS DipECVS SFHEA FRCVS, Georgie Hollis BSc of Vet Wound Library, and Neil Mottram of Virbac.

The hosts will challenge you with a series of questions, then will provide you with short explanations of the correct answers to aid your learning.

They will provide valuable insights and share their expertise on canine oncological wounds, addressing various aspects - including wound assessment, surgical and medical treatment options, and the importance of post-operative care.

This event follows on from the Specialist Session hosted recently on oncological wound management - click here  to watch it ahead of the quiz.

About the expert speakers:

Jon Hall

Jon comes from a veterinary family and spent several years in general practice. He's worked at the RVC, Cambridge and Edinburgh vet schools as a clinical academic and is now a Professor of Small Animal Surgery at Nottingham.

The majority of his clinical work is at Wear Referrals and he is active in postgraduate qualification training and examining.

Georgie Hollis

Georgie is the founder of the Vet Wound Library and the Bandaging Angels. Specialising in wound technologies, Georgie has a passion for researching the latest in wound care and their potential role in the Veterinary patient.

Georgie has over 15 years experience in the Veterinary field, regularly presenting on the subject of wound management and dressing selection.

Neil Mottram

Neil qualified from the University of Liverpool in 2013. After a year in mixed practice he moved to Devon to focus on small animal practice.

Neil now works for Virbac and heads STELFONTA - the latest intratumoural treatment for canine mast cell tumours.

Virbac Stelfonta

STELFONTA® is an innovative and effective intratumoural treatment for mast cell tumours - the most common cutaneous neoplasm in dogs. It's active ingredient, Tigilanol tiglate, has a unique mode of action causing destruction of the mast cell tumour and there is complete resolution in 75% of cases after just one treatment. Treatment results in complete tumour destruction, leaving behind a healthy granulating wound which heals by secondary intention with minimal intervention within just 4-6 weeks.

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