A comprehensive bundle of rabbit-related content across various teaching formats.
Register now and gain access to:
- Gastrointestinal Stasis in Rabbits
(Specialist Session with Marie Kubiak, live on 19th June)
- Clinical Approach to Rabbits & Rodents
(Recording presented by Elisabetta Mancinelli)
- Common Clinical Techniques for Rabbits & Rodents
(Recording presented by Elisabetta Mancinelli)
- The Rabbit Clinical Exam
(Bitesize clips presented by Jade Mckinlay)
- Rabbiting on About Rabbit Skin
(Podcast episode featuring Molly Varga & Sue Paterson)
- Geriatric Care of Rabbits
(Specialist Session with Marie Kubiak, live in July)
Register now and boost your confidence in seeing rabbits ahead of Rabbit Awareness Week (24th - 28th June 2024)